This article was originally published on Medium. The quest for human progress and flourishing has always been at the center of civilization. People always seek to live better lives and provide a better life for their kids. In the process, they seek to live lives of...
Originally published on The Hill. Over the past few years, concerns about fake news have taken center stage in news outlets across the country. But as technology allows audiences to further segment and ideological echo chambers have become the norm, less attention has...
Originally published on The Hill. Income inequality dominates our political and policy debates. Perhaps the latest example of this phenomenon is the extent to which proposals regarding how much the rich should be taxed have become ubiquitous in our discourse. The...
Given recent progress in the development of artificial intelligence, many policy conversations take for granted that such advancements will lead to mass technological unemployment and could even create a permanent underclass. Once these “facts” are established, a...
By Edward Timmons, PhD Conor Norris, MA — February, 2019 Click Here to Open the PDF in a New Tab Why Does Occupational Licensing Matter In The Land Of Enchantment? As the labor market continues to strengthen across the United States, New Mexico lags behind. In...