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American Dream 2024 Snapshot: The Health and State of the American Dream
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The American Dream continues to be alive and well in the hearts and minds of Americans. The national ethos of the American Dream is the country’s greatest unifying narrative, and it can propel progress and provide opportunities for all Americans.
Beyond Policy: Reimagining Family in the American Psyche
This article was originally published in Leadership and Happiness Laboratory. Americans are having fewer children than needed to sustain the nation’s population. As our country ages and a smaller working-age population struggles to support a larger elderly cohort, we...
To Help the Poor, We Must Remove Barriers to Social Mobility and Improve Tax Climates
This article was originally published in the Southern California News Group. In conversations about income mobility—a staple of the 2024 election—there is no consensus about the main barriers to mobility. There is a persistent confusion among academics and...
9 in 10 American Workers are Thriving Despite the Dominant Narrative of Widespread Misery at Work
This article was originally published in Fortune Magazine. In an age when public discourse prioritizes sensationalism and cynical viewpoints about America over measured analysis and factual accuracy, a recently released survey of U.S. workers offers a data-driven...
The Economics of Human Flourishing
This article was originally published in Profectus Magazine. The economics profession has become extremely specialized. Economists might think we’re making the father of economics, Adam Smith, proud by fostering a further “division of labor” as the field...
AI Can Contribute to Human Flourishing—But There Are Things It Can’t Replace
This article was originally published in Fortune Magazine. The rise of artificial intelligence has been surrounded by plenty of doom and gloom. Debates about AI inevitably shift to its risk of replacing professionals and even entire...
Joseph Stiglitz: Patron Saint of Latin America’s Radical Left
This article was originally published in Discourse Magazine. In his prologue to Carlos Rangel’s 1977 classic essay “From the Noble Savage to the Noble Revolutionary” (published in English as “The Latin Americans: Their Love-Hate Relationship With the United...
What Gen Z Gets Wrong About Work
This article was originally published in Business Insider. Gen Z wants to talk about mental health. And these days, they want to talk about it at the office. In a 2023 survey of nearly 3,000 people, Gen Z was almost twice as likely as other generations to say...
Want to Make the World a Better Place? Have a Child
This article was originally published in USA Today. The seeming indifference of many to below-replacement fertility rates sweeping across nations may stem from a disproportionate emphasis on practical matters that fail to stir the soul. During the pandemic, I came...
Hope Lost in America? Not If We Cultivate Patriotism Together
This article was originally published in DC Journal. Hope is essential for a thriving society, yet only half of Americans are hopeful for the nation’s future. To address this challenge, we must cultivate a shared patriotic spirit that rises above divisive politics....
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