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Why Progressives Are Wrong to Long for Danish Welfare

Why Progressives Are Wrong to Long for Danish Welfare

This article was originally published in Newsweek Democrats are doing their best to advance President Biden's $2 trillion "Build Back Better" agenda. The bill is being heralded as an engine of economic mobility for American families and includes things like paid...

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Promoting Skills

Promoting Skills

Societies everywhere face the problems of poverty, inequality, and economic and social immobility. The severity of these problems differs by country. Governments everywhere, including those in the United States (U.S.), are enacting policies to alleviate them.

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COVID-19 Is Disrupting the Future of Higher Education

COVID-19 Is Disrupting the Future of Higher Education

This article was originally published on Over the last decade, higher education in America has faced an intense amount of scrutiny. Rising costs and increasing levels of student loan debt, coupled with falling academic rigor, have prompted some tough questions...

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The Coddling of American Agency

The Coddling of American Agency

Whether perceived or real, Americans increasingly reflect a diminished sense of individual agency. And as Americans lose their sense of agency, the dynamic spirit that fueled an unprecedented level of economic prosperity risks being lost.

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Let Kids be Kids Again: Their Future Depends on It

Let Kids be Kids Again: Their Future Depends on It

The kids are most certainly not alright. And as many of America’s employers are now finding out, this means that many junior employees are not doing so well either. New research details how rates of depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders are drastically rising among America’s youth. Identifying the causes of these troubling trends and acting quickly to reverse them should be a national priority, and fortunately, there are ways to work toward that goal.

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More States Consider Protecting Parents Who Give Kids The Chance to Grow

More States Consider Protecting Parents Who Give Kids The Chance to Grow

South Carolina and Connecticut are among two of the latest states that might soon allow kids more opportunities to step out on their own for some time at the park or a walk to school. Following the example of Utah, Lawmakers in South Carolina and Connecticut are two of the latest states to consider changes in state law to protect parents’ ability to allow their children a bit more independence, without worrying that such allowances will be seen as criminally “neglectful” by local authorities.

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These Skills Might Just Save Your Job From the Robots

These Skills Might Just Save Your Job From the Robots

In a blog post for America’s Future Foundation, Director of Programs Ben Wilterdink explains that the way to keep up with our increasingly service-based economy is to gain the soft skills — also known as non-cognitive skills — that more and more employers seek.

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Washington, DC 20036

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