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In the News

The Economics of Human Flourishing

The Economics of Human Flourishing

This article was originally published in Profectus Magazine. The economics profession has become extremely specialized. Economists might think we’re making the father of economics, Adam Smith, proud by fostering a further “division of labor” as the field...

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What Gen Z Gets Wrong About Work

What Gen Z Gets Wrong About Work

This article was originally published in Business Insider. Gen Z wants to talk about mental health. And these days, they want to talk about it at the office. In a 2023 survey of nearly 3,000 people, Gen Z was almost twice as likely as other generations to say...

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Want to Make the World a Better Place? Have a Child

Want to Make the World a Better Place? Have a Child

This article was originally published in USA Today. The seeming indifference of many to below-replacement fertility rates sweeping across nations may stem from a disproportionate emphasis on practical matters that fail to stir the soul. During the pandemic, I came...

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A Recipe to Revive the American Dream in 2024

A Recipe to Revive the American Dream in 2024

This article was originally published in the Los Angeles Daily News. If you read the news, you’ve probably noticed “bad vibes” surrounding the American Dream. From opinion polls to best-selling books and beloved comic books, the consensus says...

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The Archbridge Institute is a non-partisan, independent, 501(c)(3) public policy think tank. Our mission is to lift barriers to human flourishing.

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Washington, DC 20036

lifting barriers. lifting lives.

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