This article was originally published in Fortune. Amidst America’s mental health crisis, emerging technologies now come to an anxious marketplace. Generative A.I, pundits claim, will inevitably lead to more loneliness, mass unemployment, and even the end of...
This article was originally published by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. What are your favorite holiday memories? Does a certain Christmas carol send you back to your parents’ living room, eyeing presents under the tree? Does a dreidel in your hand take you back to...
This article was originally published in the Harris Poll. Before the start of the winter holiday season—defined as the period beginning in mid-November and running through New Year’s Day—The Human Flourishing Lab at The Archbridge Institute and The Harris Poll...
This article was originally published by the Southern California News Group. Politics increasingly divides Americans. In a free, diverse, and dynamic society like ours, strong philosophical disagreements should be expected. They can be a sign of healthy pluralism —...
For much of our history, most humans lived far more perilous lives than we live today. Our challenge is less about our material conditions and more about our mindset. This article was originally published in USA Today. Declining birth rates are a major...