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Andreas Widmer

Director of Entrepreneurship Programs,
Catholic University of America

Andreas Widmer is the Director of Entrepreneurship Programs at Catholic University of Americas’ Busch School of Business & Economics. His experience spans the fields of high-tech, international business strategy consulting and economic development. A frequent speaker around the world on issues related to entrepreneurship, business leadership, productivity, business ethics, and the challenges of executive management, Widmer appears frequently in the media.

Andreas is a Research Fellow in Entrepreneurship at the Acton Institute and an advisor to the Zermatt Summit, an annual business leadership event in Switzerland that strives to humanize globalization. He currently serves on the advisory boards of Catholics Come Home, a Catholic TV evangelization campaign, and the Gigot Center for Entrepreneurship at Notre Dame University alongside several other non-profit organizations.

Prior to his work in these areas, Andreas co-founded the SEVEN Fund, a philanthropic organization focused on enterprise solutions to poverty. He has held numerous executive roles over the last 25 years, helping to build up and lead various successful companies. Andreas’s publications include In the River They Swim, Free Markets and the Culture of Common Good, and Faithful Measure, as well as The Pope & The CEO: Pope John Paul II’s Lessons to a Young Swiss Guard, a book exploring leadership lessons that Widmer learned serving as a Swiss Guard protecting Pope Saint John Paul II and refined during his career as a successful business executive.

Andreas is a graduate of Merrimack College where he earned a Bachelor of Science in International Business, and from St. John’s Seminary where he earned a Master of Arts as well as two business degrees (sales management and general business management) from Switzerland.

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