This article was originally published on The Hill. Because the coronavirus pandemic is an unprecedented black swan event, we’ve seen many mistakes and delayed responses that were more reactive than proactive. There will certainly be no shortage of lessons to be...
This article was originally published on Sen. Bernie Sanders’s campaign may be floundering, but the “Bernie Bros” and millions of other Americans who supported his socialist vision for America aren’t going anywhere. After all, Sanders is...
This article was originally published on Medium. At the recent Davos meeting there was a lot of focus on the ongoing back and forth between President Trump and young activist Greta Thunberg. However, what didn’t garner many headlines from this meeting that should have...
This article was originally published on The Hill. In recent weeks a hotly contested debate was reignited among academics and policy wonks over income inequality and tax progressivity. The issues have been discussed frequently in the news for much of the Democratic...
This article was originally published on Medium. The quest for human progress and flourishing has always been at the center of civilization. People always seek to live better lives and provide a better life for their kids. In the process, they seek to live lives of...