This publication centers around the concern that there is still no consensus on what the main barriers to social mobility are. In collaboration with five stellar European think tanks: the Centre for Political Studies in Denmark, Timbro in Sweden, the Lithuanian Free Market Institute in Lithuania, the Institute of Economic and Social Studies in Slovakia, and the Institute of Economic Affairs in the United Kingdom this book provides an overview of a broad array of socio-economic issues affecting social mobility and discuss the policy environment and challenges faced in each of these countries.

All around the world, the most critical public policy conversations revolve around the fields of social mobility and inequality. Despite widespread interest, there are many issues and questions that are either misunderstood or under-researched when it comes to these fields. And in addition, for those seeking to make it easier to climb the income ladder, inequality, poverty, and mobility continue to be used interchangeably, further complicating many of our policy discussions as these issues have different definitions and implications.

This publication centers around the most vital of these topics, social mobility, and the concern that there is still no consensus on what the main barriers to social mobility are. Conducting a broader analysis of the relationship between structural factors and social mobility can offer important clues to understanding why even some developed countries are struggling to increase upward economic mobility.

This publication seeks to be a step in that direction and includes stellar contributions from five European think tanks: the Centre for Political Studies in Denmark, Timbro in Sweden, the Lithuanian Free Market Institute in Lithuania, the Institute of Economic and Social Studies in Slovakia, and the Institute of Economic Affairs in the United Kingdom. These organizations provide an overview of a broad array of socio-economic issues affecting social mobility and discuss the policy environment and challenges faced in each of these countries.

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Gonzalo Schwarz is the President and CEO of the Archbridge Institute. Follow his work @gonzaloschwarz and subscribe to his newsletter, Living the Dream.


Gonzalo Schwarz is the President and CEO of the Archbridge Institute. Follow his work @gonzaloschwarz and subscribe to his newsletter, Living the Dream.