Find out how your state ranks in the latest edition of the State Occupational Licensing Index. We interview Edward Timmons, co-author of the State Occupational Licensing Index 2024 from the Archbridge Institute. He breaks down the key takeaways from the report and explains how to use the information at your regulatory agency.
The second edition of the State Occupational Licensing Index measures licensing burdens across occupations and ranks all 50 U.S. states. In the report, for example, Texas ranks first, with the highest occupational licensing burden, while Kansas ranks last, with the lowest licensing burden.
“After months of meticulous research,” says Timmons, “our team hopes to provide a valuable resource for the millions of workers directly impacted by occupational licensure and the many millions more who are indirectly affected by such requirements.” Edward Timmons, a senior research fellow with the Archbridge Institute, also serves as the director of the Knee Regulatory Research Center at West Virginia University.
Read the full article at GL Solutions.
Read the 2024 State Occupational Licensing Index report here.